Key to Final Test – Elementary (units 1A – 3B)


1 1 do / like  2 don’t like / do not like  3 eats  4 do / do  5 is   6 studies  7 isn’t / ‚s not / is not  8 are  9 aren’t / are not  10 do / get up  11 are  12 does / work  13 has  14 doesn’t / does not   15 Is

2 1 is  2 How  3 from  4 don’t / do not  5 is  6 past  7 are (aren’t)  8 of  9 an  10 Her  11 don’t / do not  12 What  13 Their  14 his  15 Its

3 1 The books are  2 the women  3 The babies are  4 different dictionaries  5 The singers sing Czech songs.

4 1 am  2 these   3 David’s friend  4 end of the film  5 pretty girlfriend  6 a  7  It’s  8 When  9 Those  10 much

5 1 How much is the bag? / How much does the bag cost?   2 Her grandad is retired.  3 Are you ill/sick?  4 It is / It’s a quarter to eight pm / in the evening.  5 It is not possible! / It’s impossible! / That’s impossible!

6  1 Ten výtah nefunguje.  2 Můžu zde fotografovat?  3 Tady prosím. / Tady to máte. / Nate. (fráze při podávání něčeho)  4 Dal/a byste si něco k pití? / Dáte si drink? / Chtěl/a byste něco k pití….  5 Vypněte si mobil prosím.


6 1 smokes  2 don’t eat / do not eat  3 enjoy, go  4 open  5 closes  6 teaches  7 sleep  8 watch  9 washes  10 have  11 does  12 cook  13 laugh  14 see

7 1 full  2 dark  3 expensive  4 clean  5 never  6 slow  7 short  8 stop  9 turn off  10 go to bed / fall asleep

8 1 Friday  2 sixty  3 Friday  4 twelve

9 1 pilot  2 band  3 call  4 have  5 read  6 office

10 1 daughter  2 cousin  3 father / daddy  4 niece  5 nephew


Key to Final Test – Pre-intermediate (units 4C – 6A)


1 1 don’t have to  2 don’t have to  3 can’t  4 have to  5 don’t  6 get  7 will be /doesn’t

2 1 walking  2 dancing  3 to buy  4 Swimming  5 to tell  6 to learn

3 1 over  2 into/in  3 through  4 down  5 around

4 1 I enjoy meeting new people.  2 I won’t go out, if the weather is bad. / I will not go out if the weather is bad.  3 What will you do if Peter doesn’t call you? / What will you do if Peter does not call you?  4 Can you whistle with your fingers?  5 When did Karel send me the letter?  6 Yesterday, I had to go by bus. / I had to go by bus yesterday. / Yesterday, I had to take / get a bus.  7 I called her to invite her.  8 How long does the film take?  9 What TV programmes do you like / enjoy?  9 Have you checked your email box today?

5 1 Dneska má dobrou náladu.  2 Půjdu pěšky, abych se protáhl (abych si protáhl tělo).  3 Ach, to je od tebe velmi laskavé / milé.  4 Trvalo nám celý den, než jsme dojeli (autem) domů.  5 Můžete mi vrátit peníze? (např. při reklamaci či vracení zboží v obchodě)  6 Ztratil jsem se.


6 1 spends  2 need  3 stopped  4 mind  5 thinking  6 than  7 are  8 What

7a 1j  2g  3 e  4i  5a  6d  7c  8b  9f  10h

7b  1 includes / included  2 investigate / investigated  3 shouting  4 suggest  5 compare

8 1 go  2 play  3 do  4 play  5 do  6 go


11a  1C  2A  3B  4B  5C  6C  7C  8B

11b  1J  2S  3S  4T  5J  6S  7T


Key to Final Test – Upper-intermediate (units 2A – 3A)


1 The English  2 Japanese  3 the sick  4 so  5 such  6 doesn’t usually drink  7 always late  8 ate quickly

2 1 had been going out  2 had left  3 was teaching  4 ran  5 had been doing  6 were doing

3 1 was stolen  2 is being built  3 had been robbed  4 be fined  5 has been told

4 1 believed to take bribes  2 is known to have escaped  3 is said to go  4 is reported to be visiting  5 hardly see anything  6 normally has

5 1 In the end, we decided to buy nothing. / In the end, we decided not to buy anything.   2 There are five of us.  3 He was lying in the corridor when they found him.  4 The injured were taken to the nearest hospital. / The injured have been taken to the nearest hospital.  5 We have had such awful weather recently / lately.  6 What time does the next guided tour start?

6 1 nearly  2 in  3 still  4 late  5 at the moment  6 plain  7 loose  8 awkward  9 exaggerate  10 lay

7 1 jury  2 hijackers  3 Smuggling  4 manslaughter  5 questioned  6 burglarer(s)

8 1 –  2 from  3 over  4 of  5 with  6 –  7 with  8 to  9 in  10 to

9 1 across  2 up  3 out  4 after  5 down  6 off


10  1A  2A  3B  4B  5A  6B  7C  8A  9C  10A